WARNING:  This was made in Godot 4 beta, which is having some issues with exporting TileMaps to html.  If you go to the Ludum Dare submission page you can download the windows executable for it.

You control an alien spaceship that has been sent to abduct the entire Earth.  In lightspeed transit across the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy some quantum interference has caused your tractor beam to malfunction.  It only operators every 10 seconds for 10 seconds and disables all of the other ships systems during that time.  Collects the earth's wildlife and human population to study and bring upgrades to your ship, until your ship is large enough to abduct the entire earth.   WARNING: Because the tractor beam is on continuously for 10 seconds it picks up lots of debris.  If your ship weighs to much it will crash onto the planet.


Move Ship
Upgrade Menu

To win the game focus on upgrading your CAPACITY. 

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